You may become a member of the Society by paying the membership fee online, or by sending the form and payment by mail. You have the same options when making a donation to support the work of the Society. Details are provided below.
Show your support by becoming a member. Members may choose to become active serving on committees or assisting as volunteers, or they may choose to simply join to show their support.
Annual memberships fees are:
Scroll down to pay your membership by credit card.
If you prefer to pay by cheque, fill in the form below, then send your cheque payable to Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society to:
Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society
Box 1062
Yorkton SK S3N 2X3
You can show support by becoming a friend of the Mill through a donation or sponsorship.
Scroll down to make your donation by credit card.
If you prefer to pay by cheque, make it out to The City of Yorkton, with Yorkton Brick Mill Restoration Fund on the memo line.
Fill in the form below, then send your cheque to:
Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society
Box 1062
Yorkton SK S3N 2X3
The City of Yorkton will issue a tax receipt for donations.
You can support the historic Yorkton flour mill by purchasing a membership. They are available for individuals, families and businesses. A membership entitles you to vote at our annual meeting and receive our newsletter.
Click to choose membership category and purchase online
Complete the form below only if you are paying for a membership or making a donation by cheque.
Copyright © Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society Inc. All rights reserved.
Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society Inc.
Box 1062 Yorkton SK Canada S3N 2X3
Located at the corner of Livingstone Street and Beck Avenue.
Web site by UncommonSense Business Solutions, Yorkton SK