The Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society has launched a campaign focused on farmers in the region, to pay tribute to their farms in recognition of charitable donations to the Mill’s capital campaign.
To support the Legacy Farm Campaign, participating farmers are able to contribute directly to the Heritage Society, or through grain delivery settlements at many of our area elevators and processors.
Donations can take place all at once or can be made over time. Details about the pay-as-you-deliver option are available at participating locations.
In recognition of a $3,000 donation, the farm will be honoured on the website. Farmers can provide photographs and a short write up to be featured online.
In recognition of a $5,000 donation, the farm will be honoured both online and inside the new facility with an 11” x 17” framed photo, and plaque featuring the write up.
This will create a fitting and lasting tribute to family farms in the Interpretive Station at the Mill, a space dedicated to building connections between society and our agricultural roots.
As construction work is set to begin this winter, our aim is to raise the remaining 20 per cent of our capital requirements. This program provides an opportunity for farmers to establish a lasting legacy for their family farms while also helping us achieve our ag-advocacy mission.
Most farmers get the work done and don’t go around tooting their own horns, but they have so much to be proud about, and we would love to celebrate them and their farms on our walls and our website.
We believe we need farmers and their agri-food production now more than ever. That’s why we think this program is such a perfect fit.
You can support the historic Yorkton flour mill by purchasing a membership. They are available for individuals, families and businesses. A membership entitles you to vote at our annual meeting and receive our newsletter.
The Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society Inc. was formed in early 2012 by individuals interested in encouraging the preservation of the oldest surviving brick flour mill in Saskatchewan.
Constructed in 1898 by John J. Smith to support the new settlement's agricultural base, the mill was reinvented a number of times by changing ownership and needs until falling into disuse in the late 1980s.
This heritage site is being developed by and for those who believe that history need not exist only in photographs and books.
The Society holds several fundraising events each year, and solicits donations and grants from various sources to pay for the restoration of the original mill, the improvement of the grounds, and future expansion.
The Society invites anyone interested in its work to become a member, or become a Friend of the Mill by making a donation. A charitable receipt will be issued by the City of Yorkton for donations.
We are looking for volunteers to help with all kinds of activities and events related to the mill, including:
Want to help us with this important local heritage project? Fill in the form and we will be in touch to discuss your interest with you.
Our newsletter is published when there is important news to share, or when a major event is coming up.
Copyright © Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society Inc. All rights reserved.
Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society Inc.
Box 1062 Yorkton SK Canada S3N 2X3
Located at the corner of Livingstone Street and Beck Avenue.
Web site by UncommonSense Business Solutions, Yorkton SK